educational talent search

educational talent search

What is Educational Talent Search?

Educational Talent Search, or ETS, is a TRIO/Talent Search Program. We are a pre-college program that assists students who have the potential and desire to attend college or post-secondary training after high school. We offer tools to help students achieve their educational and life goals. ETS strives to provide guidance that will lead our students to having multiple options after high school graduation.

Services Provided

  • Academic, financial, career or personal counseling including advice on entry or re-entry to secondary or postsecondary programs
  • Career exploration
  • Connections to tutoring services
  • Information on postsecondary education
  • Exposure to college campuses
  • Information on student financial assistance
  • Assistance with college admissions and financial aid applications
  • Assistance in preparing for college entrance exams such as SAT and ACT prep
  • Cultural enrichment activities for participants
  • Self-esteem and personal growth

Who is eligible for the program? 

  • U.S. Citizen and/or Permanent Resident
  • First-generation college-bound student
  • Meet taxable income guidelines
  • Attend one of our target schools
  • Between the ages of 11-27
  • Applicants that are both first generation and income eligible receive priority placement.

*Two-thirds of Educational Talent Search participants must meet the federal guidelines for BOTH first generation and taxable income.

program information


The program, hosted by Vincennes University, has been continuously assisting students in this area since 1991. It is part of the TRIO Grant Programs, which are funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

These cost-free programs were created by the United States Congress in 1965 to help encourage qualified students to continue their education. Our program is designed to assist 825 students in target schools in four Southwestern Indiana counties (Greene, Knox, Sullivan, and Vanderburgh) who wish to continue their studies beyond the high school level.

During the school year an ETS Outreach Advisor will visit your school and meet with participants either in groups or individually. We offer some online services throughout the year. We also have optional campus visits for high schoolers during the school year to a variety of colleges and universities in the surrounding area. During the summer, those who participated in ETS and have met academic progress are eligible for various trips and activities, all paid for by the grant.  YES, they are FREE to our participants!

apply to ets here 

Vincennes University STEM students posing for a photo

How can students join ETS?

A parent or legal guardian must complete our application, the Transcript/Financial Release Form, either on paper or through our secure, online application for the ETS. This is both HIPPA and FERPA compliant for your protection.  Paper applications can be mailed back to us using the self-addressed, postage-paid envelope provided with the paper application.

If you received an application packet during a recruitment at your school, please follow the directions provided by the ETS Staff and your Teacher and/or Guidance Counsellor.


schools funded to serve



Mission Statement

The mission of the Vincennes University Educational Talent Search program, through outreach programming in financial, personal, career, and academic advisement, is to assist qualified income-eligible and/or first generation students to re-enter secondary school, complete secondary school, and undertake a program of postsecondary education and complete a post-secondary education program.

Vision Statement

ETS is committed to all participants to achieve their educational goals. Participants will be equipped with the necessary resources and skills which will enable them to: successfully meet the challenges of the 21st Century, make sound career decisions, and pursue postsecondary opportunities that will enable them to improve their quality of life and to contribute to society.

apply to ets here 


Who pays for the activities provided by the ETS program?

ETS is funded by a grant through the U.S. Department of Education. This grant follows the legislation provided by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Title IV). It should be noted that Talent Search Programs were part of the original legislation enacted in 1965 that created the original TRIO – STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES, UPWARD BOUND, and TALENT SEARCH. Their success helped support the creation of Educational Opportunity Centers, Veterans Upward Bound, and Upward Bound Math/Science in 1972; the Training Program in 1976; the Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program in 1986, and the TRIO Dissemination Project in 1998.

Now, all of these programs make up what are called “TRIO” programs. This legislation defines participant eligibility, funding levels, documentation rules, and uses for the monies provided. The Higher Education Act is renewed every six years; therefore, funding levels and other issues can be reflected by the current administration.

***Educational Talent Search is a 100% federally funded TRIO PROGRAM at $457,670 by the U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.

frequent questions

Educational Talent Search member posing for a photo in Chicago

How can ETS help me?

Educational Talent Search can provide you with the tools you need for a successful education and career. What if you....

  • Don't know how to study? We will show you how to develop good study habits you'll use for years to come.
  • Are confused about what career you want to pursue? We can help you match your interests and abilities with a career that's right for you!
  • Are unsure about how to apply for college? We can help you with the application process.
  • Don't know how you will pay for college? We will assist you in finding sources of financial aid.

How much is the cost of these services?

All services provided by the Educational Talent Search are absolutely FREE.

Educational Talent Search members posing for a photo in front of Churchill Downs

If I participate in ETS, do I have to attend Vincennes University?

While the Educational Talent Search staff is employed by Vincennes University, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 is the grant’s Host Institution. The program is not used as a recruitment tool for the university per U.S. Department of Education Regulations. Rather, participants receive assistance in applying to any college, university or other qualified institution of post-secondary education.

Educational Talent Search (ETS):
Empowering Students for College and Career Success

Contact Information

Main Campus
1019 N. 4th Street
Vincennes, IN 47591
Gibson Center
8100 South U.S. Hwy 41
Ft. Branch, IN 47648
